Outdoor Weddings in Difficult Climates

I live right outside of Houston, Texas. The current temperature is 90 degrees. When I got married nearly 10 years ago, I desperately wanted an outdoor wedding, but got vetoed by mother who just felt it would be TOO hot outside in August for the ceremony. Disappointed I had an indoor wedding, but secretly I still admired those who went forward with their outdoor plans. Mother Nature is unpredictable, but even when she is at her trickiest, there are still ways around weather situations that will allow you to have your dream wedding outdoors.

Image by Diana Lupu via Wedding Chicks

When it’s too hot

Those who live in the south like me know the heat at midday can be unbearable. If humidity plays a factor – it can be even worse. If you’re a bride with extreme heat considerations, think about having your wedding later in the day. A late afternoon wedding in the cool of the evening is better than wrestling with watching guests melt as they watch you exchange your vows. Pass out fans or water to guests as a favor at the beginning of the ceremony, so they’ll have means to cool themselves as they sit. I recently attended an outdoor wedding where there was actually a pitcher of water with cute decorative cups to encourage guests to take a sip. And, think of having your reception inside, so your guests can retreat to the cool when your ceremony is complete.

Image by Siegel Thurston Photography via Rustic Wedding Chic

When it’s too cold

Some brides have to contend with year round icy or cooler conditions – in this case you might consider having a bonfire close to where the ceremony is taking place. The bonfire will prove romantic and folks can gather by the fire to get warmth during breaks in the ceremony. Also think of having an outdoor heater, there are heaters now that have low noise and will make your guests feel like they are all nice and cozy indoors.



Image by Leeann Marie Photography via Elizabeth Anne Designs

Rain and other Acts of God on the day of the ceremony

And finally, I also live in a state where the weather is really, really unpredictable. One day it will flood, the next it might snow, the next it might be 80 degrees in the winter. So I’ve learned to prepare for anything when out at a photo shoot – think the same way about your wedding. If it rains or rain is in the forecast – do your best to coordinate your plan b beforehand. Have umbrellas on hand for you and your wedding party – or have a tent on hand for an impromptu setup.

If there are tornadoes or hail, this might be a no-go. It might be hard in that moment but put your guests safety first. Retreat! And, once conditions settle down you can resume your activities if everything is clear.



Image by Lux Light Photography

Finally, don’t give up on your outdoor dreams. Learn your surroundings, consult your wedding planner and figure out the best way to make your nature loving ceremony a thing of reality.